They convinced the goblin that there was not time for a nap and asked him if he wanted to replace Haud Srallac as the leader of the goblins.
He confirms that he is and mentions that “we could cook him.” As they walk to the camp, they begin negotiating with him for the terms of his betrayal, hoping to get to keep the gem. They are unable to reach an agreement before they reached the camp.
As they crest the nearby hill, they can see that there are only three goblins in the camp with Srallac. The goblin immediately walked through the gate and presented the gen to Srallac, telling him, “I have brought the stone master, these fools tried to convince me to betray you on the way here.”
Srallac turned to Kai and Vrail with a toothy grin and said, “Thanks for bringing me dinner.”
Kai leapt into the air to flee as we entered initiative and Srallac took a shot at her with his bow but missed. One of the goblins hit Kai with a shortbow and another hit Vrail with a scimitar. Vrail managed to slip past the goblin henchman and land a vicious blow on Srallac with his shortsword. Green blood flowed onto the ground.
Despite seeing Vrail engaged in a melee with five foes, Kai decided to keep fleeing and leave her friend to his fate. Karm struck quickly though as a goblin managed to hit her at the outer range of his shortbow, knocking her unconscious. She fell to the ground. Three of the other goblins hit Vrail dealing a deep cuts. He was growing dizzy with the blood loss as he lashed out at Srallac one last time. He connected and severed the haud’s head from its neck. The goblins grew quiet.
“Srallac is dead!” their goblin guide shrieked, “Now I am the leader of all goblins!”
Vrail took the gem off Srallac’s body, rounded up the antidote, and set the greys he was holding prisoner free. He walked over to Kai to help her, but found it was too late, the fall had killed her. He tried to use the gem on her, hoping it had some magical powers to raise her, but it did not work.
Vrail, played by my niece, got enough XP to reach level two.
My daughter made a fairy magical girl as her new character.
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