This is part of an ongoing campaign. You can find the other sessions over on the sidebar. This session was run on July 25, 2022. 7 Sweetrain 4433 The session started in Byrny with the party (minus Vargr, Creng, and Cozsari) having been in town for a couple of hours. They decided to attempt to recruit some hirelings before heading out the next day to face the White Worm Tribe. Before starting their recruitment drive, Stranger went by Tulip’s Roadhouse to see if she had any idea where the best place to look for recruits was. She told him that, since they were trying to recruit on such short notice, it would be best to just go around to the different taverns and perhaps try to attract attention using their bard friend. While Stranger was talking to Tulip, Gwythian sought an audience with Governor Hetalan who gave him permission and advised him that taverns would be the best place to seek hirelings. They went around to the taverns in town, using Gwyth