This session was run on January 23, 2023.
14 Longgrass 4433
After recovering from the fight with the skeletons, the party continued to explore the dungeon beneath the barrows. They found an arcane scroll and a dagger +1 in the bone filled rooms where the skeletons originated from. In the northern part of the dungeon, they found a room with a fallen pillar against the wall. Uggmar touched the pillar and disappeared. Determined not to be cut off from his “tribe” Creng also touched the pillar and vanished.
Remembering what happened to Gwythian, the party returned to the circular chambers to the south to see if the two were trapped there. They broke open one of the chambers and two hook horrors emerged. While they were able to defeat the creatures, they took heavy damage and were forced to retreat to their camp on the surface to recover.
Meanwhile Uggmar and Creng found themselves in a large circular chamber. Uggmar tapped on the walls until he found a weak spot and the two broke through. They were surprised to find themselves in a hallway instead of the chamber where they had rescued Gwythian. They made their way down the hall to a room with a statue holding a mirror with a rippling surface. The frame had a socket with a blue gem in it at the bottom and an empty socket at the top.
Uggmar decided to test the gem to see if it could be removed from the socket. Nothing changed about the mirror surface when he pulled it out. He then placed the gem in the top socket and the surface became smooth like a normal mirror. He replaced the gem in the bottom socket and the mirror began to ripple again.
Uggmar tossed a glove through the mirror, and it disappeared through the surface. He ordered Creng to go through the mirror to retrieve the glove. When Creng did not reemerge after several minutes, Uggmar decided that it would be best if he went through the mirror too.
And thus, Uggmar and Creng passed from the Wilderlands to the world of Arduin.
In the camp on the surface, Duycken’s sleep was disturbed by a dream of a duck sorceress taunting him from the top of a storm wracked tower.
15 Longgrass 4433
In the morning, the party decided to resume their search from Uggmar and Creng. They pushed into the northeast section of the dungeon where they found another pillar (which they decided not to touch), a staircase down, and a defiled altar to Mitra.
The altar’s top had a bowl-shaped depression that was filled with elf bones. Stranger discovered a hidden compartment in the back of the altar. After cleverly avoiding a poisoned dart trap with a spoon, he opened the compartment.
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