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Wilderlands: Session 30


This session was run on January 30, 2023.


15 Longgrass 4433

After Stranger disarmed the trap, Vargr opened the secret compartment and found a leather sack. Inside the sack he found a ring with a blue gem, a ring with a green gem, a 50’ coil of rope, a tuning fork, and a pin with an oval and a hand carved into it. The two rings, the rope, and the tuning fork detected as magical when Duycken cast detect magic. Gwythian used his legend lore ability and recognized the pin as similar to ones he had seen on Athelnar and Sylviana. They carefully packed up the elf bones and returned to Byrny.


16 Longgrass 4433

When the party arrived in Byrny, they learned that Grant and his followers had been successful in their quest for the Light of Destiny, the magical spear of Mitra. Sadly, they learned that Englebart perished during the quest when he was seduced by a fey and died of old age.

They went to the Temple of Athena to discuss the symbol on the pin with Sylvianna. She explained to them that she and Athelnar belonged to The Order of Morgaine, a society dedicated to closing interdimensional gates across the multiverse. Anyone wearing a pin with that symbol had closed a gate to another world. She was not aware of who the dead elf might have been. She further explained that, in general, each world should only have one gate connecting it to any other world. In order to permanently close a gate between worlds, the gems found on the gates in both worlds had to be placed into the same gate. It is possible to temporarily close a gate to another world by moving its gem to the open slot on the gate, but it could still be opened from the other side with powerful magic. Permanently closing gates is challenging because when you take a gate to another world, there is no guarantee that you will enter the world anywhere near the gate returning to your world. Based on the presence of a summoning circle, the rumors of the black knight, and the pin, Sylvianna agreed to go with them when they returned to the barrows. She has been looking for a gate in the area for some time.

When Uggmar’s girlfiriend, Rasaz, learned that he was missing, she insisted on accompanying them in their attempt to find him. Gwythian put out a call for hirelings, but they felt they could not trust the applicant, Tommy Donnely, and rejected him. Gwythian also ordered the roman ensemble armor from one of the blacksmiths.

Stranger went to see Tulip and filled her in on their recent adventures. When she heard about the elf bones and the pin, she explained that she came to the Wilderlands with two friends, a human named Harak and an elf named Ardaer. Harak eventually traveled west to explore the area around the Five Cities and Ardaer disappeared while trying to close some extra-dimensional portal. She explained that she and her friends fled Middle Earth, their home, as the lands were being covered by a great flood.

Before returning to the dungeon, they spent some time identifying the magic items they found:

·         Scroll of Burning Hands

·         Ring of Protection +1

·         Ring of Herb Finding

·         Tuning Fork of Vibration: 1/day can vibrate weapon out of enemy’s hand

·         Rope of Climbing


17 Longgrass 4433

They returned to the barrows and continued exploring the dungeon in hopes of finding Uggmar and Creng. Almost immediately, they found themselves surrounded by skeletons again.


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