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Traveller : Session 53



This session was run on January 18, 2024.




In the morning, they decided to take the Gerald Masters interview job. Marvin was still too hung over from the night before and had to beg off for the day. They spread out through the station looking for prospective interviewees. Simmi was fairly successful, finding three people willing to be interviewed. She was surprised to learn that most of them were worried that having the fleet there would attract violent attention from the Solomoni instead of providing protection. Aryanna found two people willing to be interviewed, both of which seemed resentful of the large numbers of Navy personnel wandering around the station. M'han was unable to find anyone who would let him interview them.


Zarf attempted to interview a few men in a bar and almost caused a fight because he was asking too many questions. Another patron stepped in at the last minute and started talking about the strange pets, called "cats", that were for sale on the surface of Hewes. The situation was disarmed by this interaction. Overall, Masters was happy with their results and paid them a total of 2,500Cr. for the interviews.


Aryanna, Zarf, and M'han decided they wanted to go down to the surface to investigate cats, but Simmi was still working on closing the deal to sell the crystals and gems they carried as cargo. They decide to leave the next day.




They woke up in the morning to learn that Gerald Masters' piece based on their surveys was going to air that night, so they decided to wait to see it and leave for the surface the next day.


They were surprised at how inflammatory and critical of the Imperial Navy the piece was and a little concerned that Masters thanked them by name at the end of the segment.




It took them most of the day to get clearance to take the Prismatic Ray down to the surface. They spent a lot of time waiting on hold and had to keep filling out the same paperwork. Aryanna wondered if this was connected to their being named in the news segment the night before.


In the late evening, they were finally given permission to depart and headed for the surface, leaving Simmi and Marvin behind to finish up business the next day. They arrived at Capital City and decided to stay on the ship for the night.




They woke up early in the morning to the sound of the system defense alarm blaring into the darkness. Two hundred Solomani ships had just dropped out of jumpspace and were headed in-system towards the highport with an ETA of four hours. The alarm was quickly followed by a message from the Solomani fleet, broadcast on all channels.


"Attention all sophonts aboard Hewes Station. My orders are to deny the Imperial Navy the use of this station in its continued illegal occupation of the Solomani Sphere. After I defeat the rump remnants of this fleet, I will dismantle the station. You should evacuate to the planet surface immediately. Any ship attempting to set a course away from the surface of Hewes will be considered an aggressor and terminated. Admiral Sethskor out."


It took them a few minutes to get a hold of Simmi and Marvin who told them they were being forced onto one of the evacuation shuttles. Zarf promised to pick them up as soon as they reached the surface. While they waited, they debated whether it was better to try to hide on the surface or risk a run out to the jump limit to escape.


By the time Simmi and Marvin rejoined them, they had calculated that they would have to take a roundabout route out of the system in order to avoid the inevitable naval battle in orbit.


Shortly after getting aboard the Prismatic Ray, Marvin got a call from Commander Riggs of the Huron Class Bombardment Cruiser, Scorcher. She told him that the Navy was preparing to make a fighting withdraw, but her mission would be to deny the Solomani the resources on the surface. She suggested they not stay on the surface, or if they would not get away, that they at least get far from any population centers. When Marvin thanked her, she replied that after he made sure she got home safe, the least she could do was to return the favor.


They plotted a course off the surface to the safety of the asteroid belt until they could calculate a safe jump away.


About an hour after they left the surface, they watched in horror as the Imperial Navy started a planetary bombardment of Hewes. Lucan's Black War had come to Diaspora Sector.




After a couple of days hiding in the asteroid field, they saw an opening and jumped away to safety.


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