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A Long, Strange Trip

Two ago a former player of min passed away. He was about 30 years older than me, so he would be in his early 60s now if he had lived. One of his children recently sent be a box full of hid RPG stuff. It is full of all kinds of cool old stuff as well as a DVD with a bunch of Judges Guild .pdfs. I have no idea how legal these .pdfs are but amongst them were some fan made products, including a few by Gabor Lux.

I have remarked before that Gabor Lux is very prolific in the two old school magazines and there have been several of his articles that I really enjoyed (in fact there is an adventure in FO5 that is great). I have been meaning to search around to see if he has a blog or website for a while and decided that this was the perfect time to do so.

While I did not find a blog or website my search brought up this very level headed review of Carcosa. This was something else I have been meaning to pick up so I started checking out some of the posts by Geoffrey on Dragonsfoot. I found two, about the possibility of using the Holmes box set as a complete game especially interesting (here and here). So I ordered Carcosa, I got my file last night and am going to make my booklet today.

But the original mystery is still unsolved, where can I find out more about Mr. Lux's Fomalhaut setting and does he have a blog or website?

Akso if anyone knows of any other cool posts like the ones I linked from Dragonsfoot let me know. I love that kind of stuff.


  1. Rich: Gabor does have a web site (of sorts) with various of his modules and such posted there. Check out (but you have to be able to read Hungarian) as well as his post @ (2nd on the page), which provides links to several of his pieces on JG and C&CPlayer and other sites such as and and

    We really should see if we can get a centralized Gabor-in-English page for him somewhere....


  2. Hi, Rich, and thanks for your post! (Also thanks Allan for calling my attention to it)

    I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend; there is always the feeling he could have been someone I had corresponded with on Dragonsfoot, ENWorld or maybe the Necromancer boards. There is really no knowing on the Internet, and that's one of its greatest curses - you never know if the people you lose sight of have moved on with their lives, or are deceased. I will keep him in my thoughts. I hope he has found enjoyment in the things I have written.

    As Allan has remarked, I have a website; it is theoretically even bilingual, except no English content has been uploaded to it yet. I originally had plans to use it as a repository for my Fight On! and Knockspell articles as well as miscellaneous writings like my dungeon mapping essay or the Tyranny of Fun hypothesis, but eventually figured that since both publications are in "perpetual print", I wouldn't want to compete with them until they remained available.

    Your post gave me an idea, though. Would people find it useful if I maintained a database of my Fomalhaut- and Wilderlands-related articles and modules? Say, an entry could provide a short description, maybe a cover image or illustration, as well as design notes, finally followed by a note on availability - e.g. pointers to Lulu, Black Blade Publishing /Mythmere Games or Judges Guild? That's kind of an appealing thought.

  3. I think that's a great idea, Gabor, and it's one I've considered doing on my site a little bit too (for my RPG reviews, although most of them are now in OOP magazines, so I have to scan or retype them, and well, I've gotten about as far along with that as your English content ;D ).


  4. Okay, I went forward with the idea and have two entries up; check them out at One entry, in the 'Resources' category, describes the Isles on an Emerald Sea campaign series, while the other one in 'The Crypt Level' (a repository of lost or manuscript-type stuff) tells the story of The Railway Station Haul, a cautionary tale for people who travel by public transport.

    I will also make an announcement on some relevant forums; there will be more entries later, including reviews, writings, module descriptions and more of that sort of thing. :)

  5. Cool, thanks for responding to the post too. I look forward to reading this


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