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Showing posts from January, 2023

Traveller: Session 10

      This is part of an ongoing campaign. You can find the other sessions over on the sidebar. This session was run on December 8, 2022. This session contains secret communications between me and the individual players. This means that these recaps do not cover everything that happened in the session. I will be reporting only the information that all players had access to. This portion of the campaign uses Zozer Games excellent Outpost Mars setting for Cepheus Engine.       When the group returned to Reunion following their diversion to the wrecked airship, Wilson was formally placed under arrest for the attempted murder of Randolph Hertz. Due to this, a new member joined the team, Alder Chestnut. They had a few weeks to train and make improvements to 10wPink before their next assignment. The focused on trying to minimize the chance that the strange red sand could infiltrate their suits or the rover in the future.   Jin summ...

Traveller: Session 9

  This is part of an ongoing campaign. You can find the other sessions over on the sidebar. This session was run on December 1, 2022. This session contains secret communications between me and the individual players. This means that these recaps do not cover everything that happened in the session. I will be reporting only the information that all players had access to. This portion of the campaign uses Zozer Games excellent Outpost Mars setting for Cepheus Engine.     This session picked up where Session 8 left off, with the characters rushing towards a crashed transport to rescue any survivors. On the way, each character received an email from their handlers detailing their secret secondary objectives for the mission.    When they arrived at the crash site, they found the transport mostly intact with a large hole in one side. The cockpit was also badly damaged in the crash. Two passengers, Mimi Cawthorn and Oleg Blazek, were resting...

Wilderlands: Session 27

  This is part of an ongoing campaign. You can find the other sessions over on the sidebar. This session was run on December 19th, 2022.   11 Longgrass 4433     The session picked up with the characters already in combat with three groups of skeletons. Creng was down and unconscious and several other party members were wounded by the skate-like creatures before they drove them off.        Uggmar continued to hold the door on the western group, preventing a breakout and only allowing a few to engage. Gwythian backed him up with his bow and Rouen summoned some more hounds to attack the bottled-up skeletons from their flanks. To the north, Stranger could hear another group of skeletons approaching.        As they prepared to engage this new threat, a skate-like creature appeared and attacked Vargr. Cayuga used Quack of Doom to stun the northern group of skeletons before they could close into mel...

Wilderlands: Session 26

  This is part of an ongoing campaign. You can find the other sessions over on the sidebar. This session was run on December 5th, 2022.   17 Meadowlark 4433   After defeating the bulette, the party returned to Byrny and spent two weeks training to allow a couple of party members to level up.   During this downtime, Gwythian composed a song extolling Englebart’s virtues (he had taken a job as his personal PR bard) and taught it to the other bards in town. The song focused on the young lord’s bravery in taking up Grant’s quest for the spear and his eligibility for marriage. Englebart hoped to marry back into landed nobility since the loss of his family’s land at the tournament.   Gwythian also met with Lady Krutz and they discussed her plans for marrying off her daughter. She had hoped to marry her to Athelnar, but the warrior returned to his family’s lands south of the City State after the tournament. She told Gwythian that she...