This is part of an ongoing campaign. You can find the other sessions over on the sidebar. This session was run on June 27, 2022. 5 Sweetrain 4433 This session picks up immediately after Session 9 left off. The party is in combat with four animated suits of armor and a statue of Lord Braden. They have made a fighting withdraw from the manor house and are waiting to engage their foes as they exit the building. The statues do not act as the party was expecting, while the first one does exit the door they are guarding and engages Cozsari and Gwythian, the others start making their way to the other exits from the mansion to flank the party. They can hear the manor groaning under the weight of Lord Braden climbing the stairs to the second floor. As they were fighting the statue in the doorway, Braden threw a spear at Cozsari from one of the second story windows. The party managed to kill the statue in the doorway and while Gwythian, Uggmar, and Varger turned their attentio...